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Multnomah County Libertarians

Multnomah County Libertarian Meet Up

2024 Schedule

Multnomah Libertarians will meet at Dick's Primal Burger (4905 SE Woodstock Blvd, Portland, OR 97206) at 2pm on the following dates for balance of 2024:

  • Aug 3, 2024 at 2pm
  • Sep 7, 2024 at 2pm
  • Oct 5, 2024 at 2pm
  • Nov 2, 2024 at 2pm
  • Dec 7, 2024 at 2pm

    • Meet Up Location/Date/Time
      • Location: Dick's Primal Burger - 4905 SE Woodstock Blvd, Portland, OR 97206
    Social Media

    Welcome to Multnomah Libertarians!

    Our acting chair is Annie Kallen

    Our acting treasurer is Shira Newman

    Here is some orientation information we hope will be helpful.

    Who We Are: Multnomah Libertarians are currently a LP of Oregon affiliated organization seeking County Party status with the Libertarian Party of Oregon, and we have the support of the State Party in this effort. We are the local LP of Oregon affiliate in the Portland Metropolitan area. We will eventually become an official County Party (which will be called the Libertarian Party of Multnomah County) by following the procedures laid out by the State Party:

    In order to meet the requirements of the State Party, we need to hold an organizing convention attended by at least 16 Multnomah County registered Libertarian voters. We have proposed bylaws ready to go, and are hosting monthly meetings (in person & remote) and coordinating political action and social events in hopes we can get 16 registered Libertarians in the same meeting at the same time and host an organizing convention.

    You do not have to be a registered Libertarian or Multnomah resident to attend, although state bylaws may restrict official active membership to registered Libertarians.

    Dues: It is our intention to set a modest $20-$25 annual dues requirement when/if we become a County Party.

    Sign In: We ask all members and participants to sign in so we can stay in contact and properly document our organizing activity.

    Libertarian Party of Multnomah County PAC We are currently establishing a Political Action Committee with the Oregon Secretary of State, organized as a “Miscellaneous PAC.” We are affilaited with the LP of Oregon. We are in the process of converting the PAC to a Political Party PAC. The priority use of funds for our PAC in 2022 will be to place measure arguments in the November 2022 Voter Guide, which currently cost $400.00.

    Oregon Political Tax Credit: Political donations up to $50/year are eligible for a state income tax credit. So instead of writing a check to Salem, consider writing it to our PAC.

    The Libertarian Party (LP, is the national Libertarian Party. Its primary function is to provide messaging around the national platform, provide candidate support, and support ballot access initiatives in order to run our presidential candidate in all 50 states. The LNC has a $25 annual dues requirement. Payment of dues to the national party does not satisfy a local dues requirement, but membership in the national party is not required to participate locally.

    The Libertarian Party of Oregon (LPO, (the “State Party”) is a recognized minor political party in the State of Oregon and the entity responsible in the state for Libertarian ballot access. All partisan nominations for public office go through the State Party, which also conducts and finances closed primary elections. The State Party hosts regular monthly board meetings online, and you are welcome to attend. The State Party does not currently have a dues requirement.

    Nominations/Endorsements: The State Party is responsible for nominations; however, if we become recognized as a county affiliate, we would be able to recommend nominees for races where nobody was nominated in the State Party primary. Among our activities will be making endorsements or opposition endorsements of local measures and proposed legislation.

    The Discord Server: Much Oregon Libertarian activism and party business/debate takes place on a platform called “Discord.” For access, contact Will Hobson via the link on the State Party website at When registering, the convention is to put your real name followed by county: First Last (Multco). Discord is un-moderated and sometimes political debate can run hot. We recommend turning off notifications for most channels.

    The Split: In 2011, a series of governance mistakes split the Libertarian Party of Oregon, leading to a lawsuit, bylaws amendments, and years of dispute resolution. Prior to the split, Oregon had eight Libertarian county party affiliates, but today only has one Non County Party affiliate in Lane County. A series of bylaws amendments passed by the 2021 Libertarian Party of Oregon Convention and ratified in the 2022 Libertarian Party of Oregon primary, along with a committed state board, have contributed toward resolving the divide.

    Mises Caucus: The Mises Caucus is a grassroots reform movement within the national Libertarian party. County Caucus members meet independently of the County Party, and the Oregon Mises Caucus has independent monthly meetings and its own Discord server. The Mises Caucus currently holds the majority in about 37 Libertarian State Parties and is the most active caucus in Oregon.

    Other Caucuses: The Libertarian party has other caucuses including the Sober Caucus, Radical Caucus, Waffle House Caucus, and Classical Liberal Caucus. You can even form your own caucus. Getting to know fellow members is the best way to find if a caucus might be right for you.

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